How the Map was Made
Mapping the trails was guided by topographic maps and aerial photographs from the USGS, street maps, park maps, as well as a lot of pedaling around and taking notes. I began mapping in fall 1998 before much of the area was closed to the public. Where direct inspection was not possible, I based the map on aerial photos that were taken in 1991 and other sources. Parts may be out of date or otherwise inaccurate (see safety disclaimer).
Using Picture Publisher, a PC paint program, six different digital (TIFF) photos from USGS were fitted together to form the base of the map. The map was cropped and tilted to show the baylands in the smallest rectangle possible. The image was further sized by 50% to reduce the file size.
I used Adobe Illustrator to draw the lines representing the roads. The drawing was then converted to jpg for display on the web. I appreciate the comments and suggestions of many people who helped make the map more useful and readable.
Denis Newman, Palo Alto