Open the Bay Trail between Mountain View and Sunnyvale! Twelve years ago, when a salt production company owned all the salt ponds north of Moffett Field, the Bay Trail people decided on a route ("alignment") through the northern edge of Moffett Field. While requiring access to secured land, it had the advantage of avoiding private land. The route was never opened although, until March 1999, the salt company allowed bicyclists to cross through its own land between Mountain View and Sunnyvale. Now the former salt company land is public land and it is time for the Bay Trail to re-think the proposed route.
Click Here to see a map of two possible alternative routes that avoid Moffett Field, that follow major flood control levees, and that skirt the edge of the area reserved for wildlife. The only impediments to opening these routes are the need for at most three additional gates to keep people out of sensitive areas (shown as red rectangles) and the blanket prohibition by the US Fish and Wildlife to any public access to the newly acquired land. We call on the Coastal Conservancy, which is responsible for the public access aspects of the restoration of this area, to begin the "managed introduction of humans" by opening the Bay Trail. |